Thanks to Kevon Spence for the link! I can't believe I didn't see it before!
Here's what it says on the IGN website:
Nexon America has announced that the next round of beta for Vindictus will start Sept. 15, giving players a preview of some of the elegantly brutal content that will be revealed at Open Beta.Pretty interesting, but one thing I was confused about was whether it is Open Beta, or a wider version of closed beta? That was one thing that they did not clear up. I will update you as soon as there is a clear response to that.
Battle ready players who fought their way through the previous closed beta will have access to Vindictus and be given two keys to invite their friends. Access keys will also be distributed through various media outlets, bringing more warriors into a world where they can experience the exciting spear-throwing, environment-shattering, fomor-killing fun that is Vindictus.
Players participating in Early Access to Open Beta will be able to level up their character, collect loot, slash monsters and save all progress when the game goes live. Unlike Closed Beta, all characters created in the early access period and later beta phases will be kept and carried into the live launch of the game.
Vindictus is scheduled to launch later this year, bringing elegant brutality to the online gaming space with stunning visuals and high-speed combat enabled by a modified Source Engine. To find out more about Vindictus and prepare for early access to the game, visit and "Like"
The good thing is that all/most of my current readers had a Closed Beta key? :]! If there is an extended beta, you guys will get access and your characters WILL carry onto live!
Excited? Confused? Comment on what you think below!
vindictus is a great game really would like a key to play it.