Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Seoul Man - Vindictus team visits devCat studio

Vindictus is officially goofing off instead of giving us Open Beta.

After the end of Closed Beta, Jaeho Hwang, Vindictus producer, paid a visit to devCat’s studio in Seoul, Korea. The purpose of the trip was to discuss specific issues that arose during the Closed Beta test and plan out future North American-specific content for Vindictus. It was also a chance to eat some really good Korean barbecue, and hang out with the Korean development team.

Here is a peek inside the devCat studio. Like most dev studios, it’ll never win any awards for neatness and smells a bit like Mountain Dew and Red Bull. However, it is jam-packed with fun and creative elements to keep the developers motivated. For example, who wouldn’t be motivated by this creepy mask?

Extremely creepy.

DevCat keeps inspirational mottos up on the wall. These signs say, "Let’s create the greatest ’MMO+ACTION’ game in the world!" and "Make our gamers proud to play devCat games!" Great mottos!

On the right, we see the man behind "Brutal Elegance." That’s Director Eunseok Yi holding the shield. As the creator of Vindictus and a former Art Director for Mabinogi, he is regarded as one of the best game developers in Korea. Those of you who played in the Closed Beta may also recognize the "Finish" pillow Jaeho’s holding. Kicking him while he’s holding that will not release an evil core full of loot. It will however, occasionally get Jaeho to pick up the check at lunch.

These lovely ladies are graphic designers at devCat. Not only are they lovely, they are incredibly talented artists who design the beautiful world of Vindictus. While not a typical part of the day, we asked them to don Vindictus props to show off on the dev blog. Thanks guys!

There were tons of issues to discuss after the Closed Beta. Bringing a game into a new market is never as simple as merely translating the text. The team had to discuss how to improve the North American version based on all the feedback provided by our Closed Beta testers. Another topic discussed was how to balance upcoming content and events. It can be pretty exhausting at the end of day-long meetings, but it was definitely worth it.

After working hard all day, the team went out to refill their HP. On the menu was cow intestines. It has a very unique and chewy texture and many Koreans aren’t fond of it. But, our team is fearless (and a little bit crazy). Besides, a hearty appetite helps fight the Fomors!

Those are just a few of the highlights from Jaeho’s fun and productive trip to devCat’s studio. Soon, our players will get a chance to see for themselves the result of all the hard work the team has been putting in since the end of Closed Beta! We’ll see you in the next beta phase!

The Vindictus Team
I haven't uploaded the pictures onto the site, and if you want to check out the images too:

What is my response to this?

1. Nexon spends their money on plane trips.
2. devCat doesn't work, they just drink.
3. devCat has no motivation to make games...?
4. devCat sleeps on "Finish" pillows.
5. I need to buy a Finish pillow.
6. Nexon's producers flirth with asian graphic designers.
7. Nexon is daring enough to eat cow intestines, but not even close to daring enough to actually listen.
8. Nexon lies.

What is your response to this? Comment!

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